Helping Our Communities
The Maschhoffs Impact embodies our commitment to making a meaningful and lasting impact on the communities we serve. By working together under a unified business program and focused giving initiatives, we aim to contribute to the betterment of our communities and foster a brighter future.
The Maschhoffs Impact Grant Application
- General Community Infrastructure Grant:
- Awarded to community centers, organizations, etc. for the purpose of facility upgrades or equipment purchases (i.e. parks, playgrounds, new builds and/or building improvements, etc.)
- Grant application open year-round to be reviewed quarterly.
- Emergency Response Equipment Grant
- Awarded to first responders, fire departments, EMS, etc. for the purpose of facility upgrades or equipment purchases.
- Grant application open year-round to be reviewed quarterly.
- County Fair Facility Upgrade
- Awarded to county fair facilities for the purpose of facility upgrades or equipment purchases.
- Grant application open year-round to be reviewed quarterly.
- Food Insecurity:
- Donations can be used for the purpose of facility upgrades or filling shelves with perishable items.
- One donation per location per year.
- Location must be in a community we support, live and do business in.
- Grant application open year-round to be reviewed quarterly.
- Donations can be used for the purpose of facility upgrades or filling shelves with perishable items.
- Schools
- Awarded to schools for the purpose of facility upgrades or equipment purchases (gyms, bleachers, additions, field signs, playground, etc.).
- Grant application open year-round to be reviewed quarterly.
- FFA Chapter Grants
- Applicants can be a FFA chapter leader or student officer.
- Grant must have full description of activity in which the grant will support including budget for event or sponsorship.
- Funds may be used to support purchase of pork products and/or materials for a FFA fundraiser or workshop to promote the students specifically around an animal agriculture related activity.
- Application timeframe: Mar. 1-April 31 annually
- Grant application reviewed at June meeting for allocation in July.
- 4-H Club Grants
- Applicants can be a 4-H leader, volunteer or 4-H member
- Grant must have full description of activity in which the grant will support including budget for event or sponsorship.
- Funds may be used to support purchase of pork products and/or materials for a 4-H fundraiser or workshop to promote the students specifically around an animal agriculture related activity.
- Application timeframe: Jan. 1-Feb. 28 annually
- Grant application reviewed at March meeting for allocation in April.
- College Agriculture Club Grants
- Intended for college agriculture-related club leaders, officers, or group members to support the purchase of pork products, materials for club fundraisers, community service projects, workshops, or events, specifically around swine-related activities, such as golf outings, educational workshops, or fundraising dinners with pork served.
- Applicatns should be a college agriculture related club leader/officer or group member
- Grant must have full description of activity in which the grant will support and budget for event or sponsorship
- Application timeframe: Mar. 1-April 31 annually
- Grant application reviewed at June meeting for allocation in July.
- Application timeframe: Mar. 1-April 31 annually
- Community/Youth Exhibit Opportunity Grants
- Intended to support community exhibits targeted to educate youth about agriculture.
- Applicants must be from a community or suburban area where The Maschhoffs support, live and do business in.
- Grant application open year-round to be reviewed quarterly.
- Education and Classroom Equipment Upgrade Grants
- Awarded to educators of all grade levels to purchase new or update existing equipment used in their classrooms to enhance the educational experience for students regarding the commercial swine industry and all animal sciences.
- Items purchased with this award must link back to the swine industry and be used in lessons that educate individuals about the positive impact the commercial swine industry has on the agriculture industry.
- Application timeframe: Mar. 1-April 31
- Applications reviewed at June meeting and allocated in July
- Awarded to educators of all grade levels to purchase new or update existing equipment used in their classrooms to enhance the educational experience for students regarding the commercial swine industry and all animal sciences.
- Ag In the Classroom Grants
- Four $5,000 grants awarded to Ag in the Classroom instructors to empower classroom and informal instruction geared towards commercial swine production, and the multitude of technologies leveraged.
- Applicants must be an Ag in the Classroom Instructor
- Instructor must present lessons focused on the commercial swine industry that will be implemented in various settings throughout the course of the following year.
- Funds may be used to purchase consumable materials for lessons, sample technologies used in the industry or demonstrations that will last for future years if they relate to the swine industry lessons presented in the application.
- Application timeframe: Mar. 1-April 31
- Applications reviewed at June meeting and allocated in July
- Connecting Trade and Ag Work Study Grants
- Awarded to graduates that are going to continue their education in the trade’s not limited to Electrical, HVAC, Transportation, Mechanic, Refrigeration, etct.
- Applicant must be located in a community The Maschhoffs support, live, and do business in.
- Application timeframe: Mar. 1-April 31
- Applications reviewed at June meeting and allocated in July
- Opportunistic Ag Student Giving Grants
- Grant awarded to unique ag opportunistic giving events that supports a networked ag organization, student or school that directly align with the areas of focus and business initiatives.
- Can be applied for a specific organization, person or board member with specific networks.
- Connections/word of mouth for large state FFA or 4H organizations
- State fair grant needs in operating states
- FFA officer car
- FFA state officer travel sponsorship
- Giving must not exceed an amount that reduces other areas of focus
- Giving in this unique manner must not year over year only be focused on one specific state in which the system operates
- Grant application open year-round to be reviewed quarterly.
- Ag Safety Day Grants
- Eight $500 awards will be given to assist with Agriculture Safety Days.
- Individuals or organizations planning an Agriculture Safety Day for youth are invited to apply. These may include Agriculture Education Teachers, Extension employees, Ag in the Classroom instructor.
- Applicants must thoroughly explain how the funds awards would help educate youth about the hazards surrounding the agriculture industry, specifically hazards present within the commercial swine industry and transportation.
- Application timeframe: Mar. 1-April 31
- Applications reviewed at June meeting and allocated in July
- Swine Show Sponsor Grants
- Awarded to support live animal swine shows
- Must indicate the specific name and location of the live animal swine show
- Grants can be awarded to support meal at the show or auctions for participants and spectators, signs and banners for class winners, trophies, belts or other logoed material for showman/women or other appropriate gifts.
- The award cannot be given to purchase an individual animal or directly sponsor a specific individual showman but should be a winner award or support the entirety of the show.
- Application timeframe: Mar. 1-April 31
- Applications reviewed at June meeting and allocated in July
The Maschhoffs Impact Community Disaster Application
- Community Disaster relief includes but is not limited to natural disasters and community recovery initiatives
- Program intended for areas within the communities where we support, live and do business in.
- Completed and submitted by the individual(s) recognizing or discovering the disaster.
- Application open year round
- The Board may convene an urgent meeting to review situations as they arise; otherwise, allocations will be reviewed and approved at each quarterly meeting.
Employee and Partner Grant Applications
Community Impact
We believe that by working together with a unified business program name and focused giving initiatives, we can contribute to the betterment of our communities and foster a brighter future.